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Frank, D, Simberloff, D, Bush, J, Chuang, A, Leppanen, C. 2019. Logical Fallacies and Reasonable Debates in Invasion Biology: A Response to Guiaşu and Tindale. Biology and Philosophy. 34(5):49


Bush, JM, D Simberloff. 2018A case for anole territoriality. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72(7):111.

Bush, JM, H Jung, J Connell, and TM Freeberg. 2018. Duty now for the future: A call for public outreach by animal behaviour researchers. Animal Behavior 139:161-169.


Henning, JA, C Leppanen, J Bush, KS Sheldon, N Gotelli, D Gravel, S Strauss, D Simberloff, EO Wilson. (2017). A Pioneering Adventure Becomes an Ecological Classic. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 98(4): 269-277.

Chuang, A, JM Bush. (2017) Judith S. Weis and Daniel Sol (eds): Biological invasions and animal behavior [Book review]. Biological Invasions 6(19):1951-1952


Bush, JM, MM Quinn, EC Balreira, MA Johnson. (2016) How do lizards determine dominance? Applying ranking algorithms to animal social behavior. Animal Behaviour 118:65-74.




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